Occupy Dallas Protest at Bush Library on SMU Campus Today


Outside the George W. Bush Library and Museum, SW quadrant of Central Expy and SMU Blvd in Dallas

WHAT: The People’s Response press conference and protest re the GW Bush Center and 9/11

WHEN: Wednesday, Sept. 11 – 8:30am press conference; 9am – 11am demonstration

WHERE: In front of Bush Library and Museum, SW quadrant, Central Expy & SMU Blvd

*note: this is not a “9/11 Truth; 9/11 was an inside-job” rally. Our focus is on holding Bush & Co accountable for war crimes (aggressive war, torture, etc.) and we don’t want to distract from that message.


As the George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum, for the first time since its opening, observes the September 11 anniversary with special exhibits, activities, and screening of 9/11 videos and documentaries, protesters will be there to demand the ex-president be held accountable for war crimes, crimes against humanity, and violations of U.S. and international law.

A spokesman for the Bush Library and Museum, John Orrell, said, “We are trying to reinforce the never-forget mentality.” Concerned citizens will urge the Bush Center to stop exploiting the 9/11 national tragedy for political gain.

“We hope the people of America will never forget that Bush did not keep us safe,” said Grant Youngman, president of North Texas Veterans For Peace . “The Bush administration ignored warnings about an impending attack, and then 9/11 happened on Bush’s watch.” Iraq war veteran Gary Egelston added, “They lied us into invading Iraq, a country which had nothing to do with the 9/11 attack, and where no WMD were found. Standing on a pile of rubble making a good speech does not absolve George W. Bush from the crimes he committed or make up for the thousands of lives lost or ruined because of his actions.”

“It is ludicrous to be proud of the Bush administration’s handling of 9/11, especially since it was the event that opened the Pandora’s box of heinous crimes that will define Bush’s presidency in the minds of many throughout the world,” said Trish Major of CODEPINK Women for Peace.

Ramon Mejia of Iraq Veterans Against the War commented, “We hope that the people of the United States will never forget that the Bush Administration put both our fellow U.S. service members and citizens in harms way.”

A coalition of North Texas groups and concerned citizens is organizing the protest and will be holding a press conference on Wednesday, September 11, at 8:30 a.m. in front of the Bush Library and Museum at the SW quadrant of I-75/Central Expy & SMU Blvd.

The People’s Response coalition partners include Veterans For Peace Chapter 106 – North Texas, CODEPINK Dallas, Iraq Veterans Against the War, North Texas Light Brigade, Dallas MoveOn and the Middle East Peace Committee of the DPC.

Contact: Hadi Jawad, The People’s Response, 214-636-7011

Leslie Harris, The People’s Response, 214-437-6047


  • Donovan Lord

    As Publisher and Editor of Moot Magazine, Donovan has brought a voice to Texas' Left Wing and progressive citizens.

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