

Anthony White, works as a Professional Writing Consultant for Florida A & M University. He’s a journalist and graduate of the University of Florida College of Journalism. He’s also a screenwriter, playwright, and novelist. His novels, The Pages We Forget and Our First Love, will be published this summer by Antmar Books.
Abigail has a couple of college degrees and previous careers in local news and death penalty defense investigation in Texas. She married the love of her life and loves being home with their family. She also enjoys bucking the patriarchy and screaming into the void.
Allison Mann began writing professionally in 2020, writing for the fashion section of Society19. While finishing her undergrad degree, she also wrote for the FMAdaily and focused on historical pieces. Since graduating, she has been writing pop culture articles for TheThings and is now focusing her skills on writing for Moot Magazine, living as a blue citizen in a red state.
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"Amanda Shondell is a writer, painter, and want-to-be bass player. She has a degree in Historical Studies from the University of Texas at Dallas which makes her a fantastic choice for trivia teams. Amanda has an affinity for art that makes her uncomfortable and bands you might have heard of. She enjoys painting, writing, road trips, research, gardening, living green and being next to the ocean. Amanda can often be found drinking copious amounts of coffee and having conversations that revolve around more than reality television shows. She lives in Dallas with her two favorite guys and plans on changing the world in some way or another.
Latest from Amanda Shondell
Acquanda Stanford, Acquanda is a WWU graduate who earned a degree in Anthropology and African American Studies, and is passionate about social change, raising awareness, and representing underrepresented members of society.
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Dani Magestro, is a writer and Tech Admin who grew up on the streets of South Florida. She has seen oppression first hand and has vowed to give a voice to those who don’t have one. Dani left the corporate world to start her own business and teach others how to go against uniform society. She believes we are on the verge of an important civil rights revolution!
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D G Mattichak Jr is an American expat living at the antipodes in Melbourne Australia. After a long career as an al a carte chef he now writes freelance and is the author of two books. He has written extensively on contemporary occultism and also likes to write pop fiction.
I’m Jean Garza and growing up Chicana, Mexican American, my parents raised me to believe that anything was possible. All you needed was a dream and determination. I was also raised to fight for injustices and to always be proud of my culture and heritage. Over the years, I’ve been a teacher, an activist, a mother, a small-time actress and a writer. I’m a huge movie person, too. Some of my favorite movies are “Kill Bill” and “Pulp Fiction,” especially since I’m a Tarantino fan. I also absolutely love the MCU movies. My favorite characters are Captain Marvel, Pepper Potts, Jane Foster and Okoye from Black Panther, to name a few.
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Latest from Kuukua Yomekpe
Lane Buck Lane Buckman is a writer from the biggest rhinestone on the shiny buckle of the Bible belt, Texas. As a recovering Republican Evangelical, she enjoys starting blasphemous rumors and working lyrics from 80s music into text at every opportunity.
Leena Ouijalla, A California-born Scandinavian living in the middle of the Oregon woods, Leena is not your typical hippie considering how much she loves leather shorts and Beyonce. It was actually on leave from fashion school in London that she realized the kind of life she really wanted: sifting llama dung, transplanting baby tomato plants, and skinning a deer for more leather garments(!) on a sustainable farm. With the help of modern technology, she is nudging in her view and experiences of life from the ground up.
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I’m British and relocated to Los Angeles in 2005. I became a member of the Writers' Guild of Great Britain when I sold a comedy drama to BBC TV. I'm also a novelist and MPAA Film Critic. After publishing reviews exclusively for 12 years, I decided it was time to dip my toe into the political whirlpool.
Becca Wanner has been writing political essays since the tenth grade, when they got a D on a paper about how history is inherently biased and skewed towards the privileged. Since then, they have somehow acquired degrees in history and anthropology, and published articles on a wide variety of topics, including politics, science, and the arts.
Samantha Johnson is a Gulf Coast native and pre law student focusing on civil rights and prison reform. Outside of school and writing, she works as a full time ceramic artist, wrangles her pet chihuahua and spends time with her two young sons
Latest from Samantha Johnson
A graduate of Texas State University in San Marocs, Stacy Reynolds wrote for American Publishing Company for 10 years.During her tenure she won various awards, lincluding the Associated Press Managing Editor’s award. She’s the author of two novels published by SynergEbooks. Stacy lives in Austin, TX with her cat.
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